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  • Guinness Record Holder Suresh Joachim Sponsored by Standard Auto Wreckers
    web-pic-suresh-david-raymondDavid Gold was on hand when Multiple World Record Holder Suresh Joachim completed his Guiness World Record of pushing a car for 24 hours in Sept 2011. An absolutely amazing display of physical and mental resolve.
    Then the next month Suresh broke the record for the Longest Marathon TV Talk Show from Oct. 7-10, 2011 on Rogers TV.
    David Gold (middle from Standard Auto Wreckers), Raymond Cho (left, City Councillor Ward 42 Scarborough) and the record breaker himself Suresh Joachim on the right! Final number are 63 hours and 2 minutes with 277 guests.
  • Canadian Firm Receives Certification by Canada’s Retire Your Ride Program
    11/9/2010: Standard Auto Wreckers a Toronto-based certified auto recycler and founder of the www.GreenVehicleDisposal.com network,
    has announced that it has received certification by Canada’s Retire Your Ride Program. The certification notes that Standard Auto Wreckers abides by Canada’s national code of practice in supporting the countrys Retire Your Ride program.
    Retire Your Ride is an initiative of the Canadian government that is designed to enable people to remove older, less fuel-efficient vehicles from Canada’s roads. The program is committed to improving air quality by responsibly recycling vehicles and aims to retire at least 50,000 vehicles per year until March 31, 2011.”We are happy to participate in the Retire Your Ride vehicle recycling program as we work toward a common goal of getting old, end of life cars off the road to create a sustainable environment. Every heavily polluting car that is taken off the road and disposed of according to environmental standards makes a difference in the world,” says David Gold, co-owner of Standard Auto Wreckers.
  • Standard Auto Wreckers and Retire Your Ride
    ryr_certificateStandard Auto Wreckers on October 1, 2010 completed training and passed an audit for the National Code of Practice to support the Nation Wide Retire Your Ride Program. This program is designed to get 1995 or older higher polluting vehicles off our roads. Does your car qualify?
  • 25 Most Influential Auto Recyclers – Overall Most Influential 2009: David Gold
    David Gold, co-owner of Standard Auto Wreckers in Scarborough, Ontario and Niagara Falls, N.Y., embodies the best of auto recyclers in all categories. He has influenced many facets of the industry – environment, technology and association – while running two businesses in two countries. “I see dedication to strengthen the industry, innovator and always on the cutting edge of technology when I think of David Gold;’ said Bill Abold, A & P Auto Parts, Inc., Cicero, N.Y.His devotion to the industry has earned him a place on this list twice. Gold was Locator Up Front’s 2006 most influential one-to-watch. More…
  • Environmental News on End Of Life Vehicle Processing
    Check out the newly released study on the Life-Cycle Assessment of End-Of-Life Vehicle Management Processes.
  • Retire Your Ride, OARA and Standard Auto Wreckers Help “Green” The Environmen
    ryr_certificateTORONTO, ON – November 13, 2009 In the picture are Ken Gold Co-Owner Standard Auto Wreckers, with City Councillor Raymond Cho, Colin Creasey from 10,000 Trees and David Gold Co-owner of Standard Auto Wreckers.The Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA) donated $10,000 to a charity called 10,000 Trees for the Rouge, which is a volunteer group dedicated to restoring natural habitat in the Rouge River watershed in Toronto. OARA’s contribution represents a portion of the fees paid to the Retire Your Ride government program by auto recycling facilities that have processed the retired vehicles. More…..
  • Automotive Recyclers Association Member of the Year Award 2006
    ryr_certificateOctober 31, 2006 Star PowerCanadian Recyclers take home two of the ARA’s highest honours.Up until this year’s ARA general convention in Indianapolis, no Canadian Recycler had ever taken home any of the ARA’s prestigous Star awards for auto recycling excellence, handed out every year at their convention.However, that all changed this year, as two of the five awards were won by Canadian recyclers. David Gold of Standard Auto Wreckers in Scarborough, ON was named ARA member of the year for his tireless work and dedication toward the promotion of many of the ARA’s core causes. Click here to read the ARA Press Release Sept 2006
  • Parts Locator Magazine Article “Pure Gold”
    ryr_certificateUpFront July August September October 2006 PURE GOLD Canadian Recycler Opens New Facility Ken Gold founded Standard Auto Wreckers with three employees in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough, Ontario, in 1979. Back then, he never thought about the United States as a source for salvage vehicles or as a market for his recycled parts.Read the full article here.
  • Cyber-Salvage e-Commerce: a Virtual Reality
    ryr_certificateThe Internet is shaping up to have the greatest impact on the recycling industry since the creation of the Hollander interchange. With nearly half of all salvage being purchased online,those recyclers that learn how to effectively navigate the cyberspace universe will live long and prosper. Read the full article here.
  • ARA E-Commerce Report
    ryr_certificateThe E-Commerce Committee is a very active and engaged committee. Our productive group consists of ARA members and professional stakeholders in our industry, who have varying perspectives and opinions, and who have been instrumental in the advancement of the initiatives for which our committee has been tasked.This committee was tasked with establishing very important E-Commerce related ARA standards, that will prove to be instrumental in furthering our parts sales initiatives to our most important customers, the Collision Repair IndustryRead the full article here.
  • October 4,2006 Gold Standard
    ryr_certificateStandard Auto Wreckers has led by example since 1979When Ken Gold purchased a large plot of land in the Rouge River valley, just north of the Metro Toronto Zoo in Scarborough, ON in 1979 to create an auto recycling facility, it had to be progressive, he had no choice. Standard Auto Wreckers was built on top of a greenbelt with strict environmental guidelines placed upon it.”Our mission has always been to protect our land and keep it from being polluted,” says David Gold, who owns Standard Auto Wreckers together with his father.Read the full article here.
  • Auto Recycling at the Zoo?
    ryr_certificateToronto Zoo is featuring a special project from June 29, 2004 to September 30, 2004. Ian Lazarus and Badanna Zack designed the”Serpentine Mounds” as part of the Zooarts projects. Standard Auto Wreckers provided the cars for the environmentally theme display. Click on the picture to more about the ZooArts project. Read the full article here.
  • Spotlight on Standard Auto Wreckers
    ryr_certificateNovember December 2007 Issue of Automotive Recycling Magazine
    When former lawyer Ken Gold purchased an eleven-acre site in the Toronto suburb of Scarborough, Ontario in 1979 and launched Standard Auto Wreckers, he planned to be very successful…
    Read the full article here.
  • Spotlight on Standard Auto Wreckers
    City tries to force auto wrecker out of Rouge Park

  • Spotlight on Standard Auto Wreckers
    June 11/2008
    Anti-littering signs delayed for Rouge Park Read More…
  • Spotlight on Standard Auto Wreckers
    June 10/2008
    City looking at tough measures to control Illegal dumping in Rouge Park
  • Articles written by the owner David Gold have been featured in theCollision Repair Magazine.
    Missed them? Click below to read some of David’s articles.
    Parts Challenge
    Recycling Has Evolved
    Creating a Win/Win
    SalesStar (OEM Sales Person)
    Saving Cars, Saving Money
    Salvage Dilemma
    End of the Road
    Air Bag Debate
    ABC’s of Parts Grading
    Price of Steel
    Ideal Situation
    Working Together
    Whose Fault is it?
    Why Buy Used
    Retired Cars





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